How to Replace Damaged Cord on Vacuum Cleaner
If your vacuum cleaner power cord is damaged, it can be replaced with the simple steps for repair, which is a smart way for vacuum owners for saving time as well as money at the repair shop.
Vacuum power cords may get damaged with fire hazards over the time, and the accidental passes of the brush roller. Fixing the damaged or broken cords is the best idea for you.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Replace Damaged Cord on Vacuum Cleaner
Follow the simple 7 steps below to replace damaged cord on your vacuum cleaner:
Step 1. Remove Older Power Cord
Replacement of power cord is one of the basic repairs you should of home appliances, using a different tool.
Always the first step should be, and it is very useful for removing the old cord. There are chances for you to get both the repair steps and specific for demonstration model.
Step 2. Accessing Motor Wires on Vacuum
Power cord wires which are attached to the motor of vacuum are the interior of the machine.
When the wire that is unattached, and out of motor for you to get the cord that can come out for accessing the motor's vacuum, is considered as the first step of the removal of cord.
Step 3. Removing Power Cord Wires Out of Motor
For removing the wires which are connected to the motor, this is a good time for carefully inspecting orientation of power cord to ensure accurate installation with the new cord.
If you draw the simple diagram with wire arrangement, it might come in handy. Power cord wires get manufactured with various styles. You have to take care of wire styles that are used for vacuum cord and then double check so that you can get some connections with new cord.
Step 4. Removing Old Power Cord Out of Vacuum
Most of the vacuum cords can be held on vacuum housing -some of the remaining pieces. It is good for finishing old cord, disassemble with remaining retainers of cord.
It is a good idea to take extra care for remembering the orientation -as both that is there on the cord, and that is there in the vacuum. These are the pieces which can be transferred from old cord towards new cord in few steps with the repair.
With retaining pieces that are removed, and the connections are not severed and old power cord can easily be pulled out of vacuum cleaner.
Step 5. Dressing New Vacuum Power - Cord
Once you plan to install a new power cord, it is necessary for installing correctly and the power cord so that you may need pieces so that you can get what is best for the old cord.
This is something that takes some extra care with previous steps that would pay off. You can transfer the retaining pieces and some power cord pieces which can be old cord for the new cord.
Step 6. Installing New Power Cord
Now your next step is to install the new power cord. The small wires can be tied with disposable pieces and can be removed while removing of old cord.
In this stage of repairing, use electrical tape to join wires together and can tidy that up using vacuum motor area. It is necessary for twisting black wire out of new cord on the same blue motor wire about before.
Step 7. Securing Power Cord for Retaining Pieces with Positions
Before the old cord is actually removed, it is necessary for duplicating bends and also position cord. Return strain relief, and then get cord retainer to the positions. Use strain relief for putting a final bend in the cord. Using pliers install relief.
Very simple, right? Now you are able to replace damaged cord on your useful vacuum cleaner by yourself.