How to Repair the Engine of a Vacuum Cleaner
To keep your vacuum cleaners performance up to the mark, the pump or engine needs to be working correctly. In a pump the vacuum cleaner has some moving parts, and those moving parts tend to fail as a result of normal wear or aging.
Before repairing the pump, you need to know how your vacuum cleaner works. There is a motor which turns a fan in the vacuum cleaner, and through this process- suction is created which results in the air.
All the dirt and debris get sucked into your vacuum cleaner where it is filtered. To repair your vacuum cleaner engine, you need the necessary tools to perform the task.
How to Repair the Engine of a Vacuum Cleaner
These following steps will guide you on how to repair your vacuum cleaner engine.
Disassemble the Vacuum Cleaner Engine:
A few basic things are needed for repairing your vacuum cleaner. You will need to use your hands, pliers, screwdriver along with other tools. Most importantly you also need to have a basic idea on how it works.
There is a fan in the cleaner where the motor is attached. While the fan rotates, it creates suction. The suction pulls in the polluted air mixed with dirt and debris. A porous bag in your vacuum cleaner then filters dirt-filled air stream.
To disassemble the machine, first start by removing the handles, filter and switch assembly. You have to be careful and try not to disturb the electrical connections and circuitry that lie beneath.
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The vacuum cleaner has a case protecting its innards which need to be removed carefully to access the engine of your vacuum cleaner. Be cautious while handling the fragile parts of your vacuum cleaner.
Taking notes on the positions of each part is essential. This will make the process easier for you to return each section where it belongs during reassembly. After removing the vacuum pump, you will be able to remove the motor itself at this point carefully.
Fix the Engine Motor:
You have a tap of the metal shield at the motor end slightly. This step will expose the blower fan. For the proper functioning of your vacuum cleaner, this aluminum blower is very important.
However, the blower tends to get blocked up with dirt and dust. You have to ensure to clean it out thoroughly. Then, carefully lift out the carbon motor brushes which are located in a place with spade connectors. The carbon brushes are usually long and stable.
To clean the brushes, use an electrical component cleaner solvent and replace both brushes at the same time Remove the engine stator carefully if you find that the bushes have deteriorated.
There are metal spring clips that hold the stator firmly in place, if you press down on the clips, the stator should be able to slide out with relative ease. You have to be careful while doing this as the stator has electronic controller wiring attached to it.
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It is essential to clean up dirt and debris from the inside of your stator to ensure that your vacuum cleaner operates at its optimal working levels. Be cautious while removing the rotor assembly as it has bearings at both ends but don’t forget to Ensure that you do not lose any washers in the process.
At the rotor's ends there is a commutator, and if the commutator gets dirty or looks compromised, this may affect your vacuum cleaners' performance. You have to mount the commutator on a mini-lathe To fix it as an alternative use both wet and dry sandpapers.
Try using light, feathery strokes to sand down the commutator's ends. Replace the bag and all the filters in the vacuum cleaner and make sure that all the intake and output airways are clean and bright.
Repair the Electronic Gears:
The cleaners usually have a primary electronic system and typically is consists of a trick with a rating of between 20-30 Amperes and a thermal cutout device.
Don’t forget to check that there are no loose electrical connections. Make sure that the plastic clips that hold the electrical connectors together are not cracked or damaged to ensure safety.
If you find any lose connection, ensure that you replace them and insulate the area. When you turn vacuum cleaner on, and it does not work, it might be the fuse.
Then you have to check that the fuse is intact. If it is not, then replace the fuse and when you do this- check to see if the connections in the plug are okay.
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Reassemble the Vacuum Cleaner:
Make sure that all the parts are completely dry before you reassemble the entire unit. You do not risk short circuit in a hurry. Restore all the screws and pieces back to their rightful places carefully.
While doing this, you will realize why it was important to note the position of every individual part during disassembly.
Check twice to confirm that everything is back in place and all the wiring is intact. Now since you are done with reassembling your vacuum cleaner, plug it to your wall outlet and switch it on. It would be able to function correctly unless there was any major malfunction.
Although, sometimes the vacuum cleaner might develop significant problems, causing it not to work correctly. In this case, you will need to take your vacuum cleaner to a qualified professional to repair vacuum cleaner motor.
This will save you money and time. If you don’t know how to vacuum cleaner repair, then don’t risk damaging the machine.
It is essential for you to check the warranty and manual to learn the instructions. If the warranty is still valid and the warranty period has not expired, the manufacturer will vacuum repair it for you without any extra cost.
You need to regularly repair and maintain t of vacuum cleaner if you want your vacuum cleaner to perform optimally. Moving parts tend to fail over time due to wear and tear. The key or essential component of your vacuum cleaner is- the engine or the pump. he engine
Repairing the engine will involve checking the motor, stator, commutator and electronic components. You can restore and replace the faulty part, depending on which part is damaged.