How to Replace and Fix a Vacuum Cleaner Belt
A vacuum cleaner is one of the most useful appliances at home. It performs the most difficult job properly and keeps the house clean.
However, sometimes you will notice your vacuum is not picking up the debris efficiently. This may happen if your machine’s belt is broken.
Vacuum cleaner belts are made of rubber. And like anything else made of rubber, vacuum cleaner belt stretches wears out and finally breaks.
A broken belt always doesn’t mean that you have to buy a new one or spend money for the repairing services. Simple repairs can be performed at home if you know the simple steps to change your vacuum cleaner belt.
Symptoms of a Broken Vacuum Belt
How would you know when is the time to change the belt? The belt will start demonstrating symptoms which will be helpful for you to realize whether it is a time to replace or fix the belt or not.
Taking a Closer Look at the Belt
The belt is located in the vacuum cleaner's brush roll area. It connects the vacuum's motor to the brush roll. This connection allows the motor to spin the brush.
To access the belt, you have to turn off and unplug the vacuum and then turn it to expose its bottom. The brush roll is covered by a plate that is held in place with screws or clips.
Once you detach the plate which will expose the brush, motor and the belt. After detaching the plate, you can confirm with our eyes if the belt has stretched or snapped.
Important Tools to Replace the Belt
You will need a few tools to replace a vacuum cleaner belt. The important tools are: Screwdriver (electric or regular), new vacuum belt (depending on your vacuum type)
How to Replace the Belt
You can easily replace the belt following these steps.
Find the Old Belt:

Vacuum cleaner belt
The position of the vacuum belt, no matter what type of vacuum you use, is the same. As the belt holds the brush roller, the belt is usually located in the vacuum head somewhere around the roller.
Take Out the Brush Roller to Clean It:
Using New Belt:
Security Check:
Put the Plate Back:
Following the same above mentioned steps, you can get the belt changed in less than ten minutes.
It is advised to replace the belt every 6 months to 1 year, depending on how excessively you use the vacuum cleaner.